Global Mission

Though not a huge congregation, God has allowed
Christ Our King to have a broad, worldwide impact in
taking the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth.
Here are a few of the global ministries we are involved in.
We would love for you to partner with us.
Christ Church Jerusalem
Christ Our King Anglican Church has the unique privilege of being connected with the oldest Protestant church in all of Jerusalem. Every year, members of our congregation serve at Christ Church, through a variety of ministries. We help facilitate Vacation Bible School for local children, help out in the library or kitchen,
any place there is a need.

Dress A Girl Around The World
Many women in our church are involved in a sewing ministry, which provides handmade dresses to young girls all over the globe. These children are in desperate need of clothing, and the DAGATW label also provides protection for these young, vulnerable girls. With a simple dress pattern, this ministry is perfect for even beginning sewers.