Children’s Ministry
We Love Kids!
At Christ Our King, we have a vibrant children’s ministry,
and we would love for your children to be involved!

I’m new…where do I take my children?
We have a variety of services for your children to participate in worship.
For the littlest ones, our nursery is available every Sunday, from 10:30AM to 12:15PM.
Sunday School is from 9:40AM to 10:25AM every Sunday, for children up to 12 years of age.
Children’s Chapel is every Sunday (except the 1st Sunday of the month) at the 10:30AM service, during the sermon and prayer time. Children ages 3 to 13 are invited to come to chapel and experience a fun time of worship, prayer, and participate in a lesson focused on that morning’s Gospel reading. Sometimes this involves a craft or game, and often includes a visit to the outdoor playground.
Can I bring my children
to the main service?
By all means, please do!
We love having children in our Sunday morning services!
In fact, they are a vital part of our worship.
At our 10:30AM service each week, we invite the children to come to the
altar during our Gospel readings and stand in honor of God’s Word.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me”, and at Christ Our King, we feel the same way.
On the 1st Sunday of every month, there is no Children’s Chapel, so we welcome the children to sit with their families during the services. At the 10:30AM service on the
1st Sunday of each month, Fr. Chuck has a Children’s Sermon in the chancel
where he engages them with different activities, gifts, or show-and-tell.
Each children’s sermon is related to the weekly Gospel message.
Should your children need a little “extra entertainment” during the services, we have bags filled with different Bible-based activities located at the back of the sanctuary.
Can my children serve in some way?
At Christ Our King, our desire is to help your children
grow into who God has called them to be.
One way we encourage this is to offer different opportunities
for children to serve during worship.
These include:
Sound & Video
Family Promise (serving the homeless)
Upon your visit to Christ Our King, please ask a greeter for more information
if you are interested in encouraging your children to serve.
Diocese’s hotline for confidential reporting
of any suspected child abuse: